Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Just a very quick note this evening, as now as one daughter's health has improved the other (dear Constellation) has a high fever (which could happen anywhere but seems at least a bit more perilous while abroad). We did--without incident--attend her school orientation today, at which a backward incident occurred. The teacher, Ms. Leedham, was introducing all the students in her first grade class, by name, country of origin, and birthdate, and read Stella's b-day as February 9, when in fact it is September 2nd. Whichever one of us filled out the form followed the Western method of numerical dating (which much of the rest of the world doesn't seem to follow).

I finished the bibliography with enough time to spare to spend a good part of an hour exploring the flickr.com site, and have to admit that it is a really brilliant hypertext. I really dig the way the system works, allows tags (which really make the hypertext happen), makes clusters, enables photostreams, etc.) I'm quite glad that Ben Friedlander turned me on to this site, and I'm also enamored by his obsessiveness in posting. I shouldn't forget to mention that there are a lot of stunning photographs up there. I suppose there are people who read blogger.com the same way, but as I'm tiring of reading and writing words all the time, to be flooded with images is welcome refreshment. Just as bad for the eyes, of course.

Interesting out-of-the-blue correspondence from a fellow named Michael Harold, who is interested in ergodic textuality. Apparently he has built some hypertexts with Harvey Bialy's poems, which I haven't but look forward to checking out. Will report on them (and give addresses later).

Crossed paths with Sau Bin today, who tells me that for the first time ever the Documenta exhibition (Germany) curators have come to SE Asia, and tomorrow they will be at R.A.P. gallery. I was surprised at both of these facts, but a good development for Malaysian artists for sure.

Visit from Wong for dinner, lovely to have company at the apartment.

Like I said, quick tonight; time to sleep, CF

Ah, Chris, the secrets of numeralizing dates has finally hit. That's one of the secrets of living outside of the US: everyone does it different from the way we do. Strangely, the US used to show dates day first, but that ended by the early 1800s, I think.

This is why my dates are always 28 Jan 2006 or 2006.01.28.

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