Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mosque Forms: 4 moseak, moseache, 6 muskey, muskaye, 6-7 mosquee, 7 moschy, -ee, -ie, -ey, muskie, mos’keh, moskuee, moski (e, -ee, mosquy, mozki, 7 mosquey; 6-7 moschea, 7-8 mosch(e, 8-9 mosk, 6- mosque [In 16th c. mosquee (later shortened to mosque), a. F. mosque, a It. Moschea (whence G moschee), a. Arab. Masgid (so prounced in N. Africa; elsewhere masjid), f. sagada (sajada) to worship.]
1. a Muslim temple or place of worship
b. the mosque:Those who worship in mosques
Mosqued, mosquelet, mosquish
Mosquito Forms: 6 muskyto, mosqueta, 6-8 musketa, 7 muskeito, musceto, muscheto, muskitto, musqueeto, muskeeto, 7-8 musketoe, muscatto, musket(t)o, 8 moskito, muskeitoe, mosqueto,, 8-9 moschet(t)o, moschito, musqueto, musquitto, 9 musquitoe, mosquetoe, 6- muskito, 7-9 musquito, [a. Sp. And Pg. mosquito, dim. Of mosca (:-L. musca) fly. Cf. F. moustique , a metathetic alteration of the Sp. Word]
Mosquito state, US nickname for New Jersey
Hence mosquitoey, mosquitoish
Mosquito, variant of Mesquita, a mosque
Mosquo and -quy, obs. Forms of mosque
Moscow: no etymology
Cyb(be, obs. Form of sib.
[ sib= closely related ]
Cybernation [f. cybern(etics sb. pl. + ation] the theory, practice, or condition of control by machines. Hence (as a back-formation) ‘cybernate v.trans. to control in this manner; cybernated ppl. a.
1962 D. Michel title Cybernation: the silent conquest; 62: Punch 7 c…is becoming a dirty word in America; 1969 Northwest Mag (Oregon): the major problems of the day: cybernation, the revolution in human rights and the threat of growing militarism
Cybernetics [f. Gr. Steersman, f. to steer, + ics] the theory or study of communication and control in living organisms or machines. Hence (as back-formation) cybernetic a. pertaining or relating to cybernetics. So cybernetician, cyberneticist, one who is skilled in cybernetics.
Used in Fr. For cybernétique (= the art of governing) by A.-M. Ampère 1834;
1948 Weiner, “we have decided to call the entire field of control and communication theory, whether in the machine or animal, by the name cybernetics”
Cyborg 1960 cybernetic organism
Cybory The ark of a jewish tabernacle
Merriam-Webster's Words of the Year 2005
Based on your online lookups, the #1 Word of the Year for 2005 was:
1. integrity
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS synonym see HONESTY
the other words in the Top Ten List for their definitions in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
2. refugee 3. contempt 4. filibuster 5. insipid 6. tsunami 7. pandemic 8. conclave 9. levee 10. inept
Function: combining formEtymology: cybernetic: computer : computer network
Computer: cyberpunk.
Computer network: cyberspace.
[From cyber(netic).]
CYBER: a prefix which derives from cybernetics; used to denote topics related to computers and/or networks
A champion of billion-dollar construction projects, he tagged the capital's name with the suffix "jaya," which means "success."
Putrajaya became the new administrative capital of Malaysia. The name comes from Malaysia's first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, with the suffix "jaya": success.
So many things happen, and are possible, that it is difficult to keep track. Kenneth Goldsmith seems to be really good at it. There are events mundane and then not. I drove Stella to the IOI to catch her bus at 8 a.m., then I worked out, drove home, helped Amy for awhile, panicked when the cell phone didn’t work, got it to work, went to the office, dealt with filenames (PennSound), correspondence, tea, fax to Cambridge, kurma at the FCM, water, revised a book proposal, went to the library (Fluxus and Rasushenberg tomes brought home), began building the foundation of a lecture, looked at some online dictionaries, updated virus software on both computers (having been warned by NJIT of the W32/MyWife@MM breakout scheduled for 3 feb), backed up files, looked for files, had passport photos taken, received invitations to submit works to an Italian journal and Palestinian art exhibition, leftovers for dinner, dense monsoon thunderstorm, crazy sky afterwards, caring for the children (reading Goodnight Moon and Roald Dahl), got my NJIT server activated for sound, aloe, revised an old piece of writing for Catherine Taylor, now this. A day’s work? Always a lot.
Tomorrow we go to Melaka.
Melaka: Malay for refuge,
& may not return to this space for a few days.