Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Morning was spent reading and copyediting, and a long afternoon testing my newfound Acrobat skills, and all (links, formatting, etc.) turned out right. I put the .pdf file up (temporarily) in a temp file at, and if anyone out there would like to proofread or otherwise send in feedback I’d be mighty grateful.

The only other creative thing going on at the moment is that it is poetry week at Stella’s school, and I’m making an Australia Flash poem (“Australia is…”) for her and her class. I used (of course) the Google Poetry Generator to make the text, although this time I removed quite a bit of nonsense, and Amy is going to further trim it down so that it is suitable for the first grade audience. When it is ready, I’ll post it & the URL.

Tomorrow hope to deal with interface machinations (main and media files sections), and if all goes well perhaps complete that aspect of the project by week’s end. I haven’t mentioned it in awhile, but next week I’ll be participating in the Malaysia International Visitor’s Programme and won’t be on campus (or even in my apartment) all week. Since my last two lectures are scheduled for the following week it is in my best interest to work on them a bit too. Too much to do!

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