Wednesday, July 26, 2006

After a good workout I spent two or three hours working on campus. I began compiling a bibliography of books I think the MMU library should acquire that pertain to digital writing, graded student works, filed the aforementioned Fulbright letter, made some copies, and so on. Essentially desk work, which will also keep me busy tomorrow. Afterwards, Amy, Stella, and I took the train up to Kuala Lumpur and a taxi to Bangsar, where we had a meeting with the proprietor of Silverfish Books, whose publications we hope to promote in the United States. I also picked up a few publications, including a book of Malaysian short stories, an interesting new collection of poems (An Acre of Day’s Glass) by Malaysian Wong Phui Nam, and a cd of movie soundtracks that I recently read about (eating pomeloes from Tokyo to tamil nadu by Hardesh Singh). From there we went to KL’s IMAX theatre and saw a 3D film Walking on the Moon. This was a new and outrageous experience for us all. The screen—purported to be the largest in Southeast Asia—is gigantic, and the 3D effect really made it seem as though the movie was happening around me. I don’t think this will be the last time we go to this type of movie. It was a short film (45 minutes) so we went over to IMBI plaza across the street and bought a couple of inexpensive SD cards, a new USB drive, and a few pieces of software (mostly audio) to experiment with. We finished the excursion with a great dinner at a fancy restaurant, perhaps our last urban treat of this voyage. We do have to go to KL again to remove our artwork from the gallery, but that’ll be mostly work. So, a mixture of pleasure and play today—which I think was perfectly appropriate.

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