Monday, July 17, 2006

I had my first regular work day in awhile: exercise followed by hours spent on campus with a lunchbreak in the middle. But aside from writing a few letters to distribute eBooks (regionally) and plan for future collaborations (it looks like Dr. Beik and I will try to bring Rumi back to life), the work was not really focusing on creative multimedia (although I did have a brief conversation about the performance coming up on Saturday with Siew Wai). We’re seriously winding things down here, just two weeks until we leave, plus I’m teaching an online course for NJIT at the moment—these realities are completely time absorbing. But I figure a day of such work buys me 2 or 3 where attention can be focused elsewhere. At this point I’m going to try to have a few more work days, polishing up some things on the WWW, laying groundwork for other projects, but in many ways my research and output here is complete for now. I do have a couple of performances, on Saturday at SicKL gallery in Cheras, and at IIUM next Tuesday. I won’t be performing at the opening tomorrow but am thinking I should bring the laptop so I could show the database to anyone who’s interested (and hope to give away 100 copies of the eBook). In some ways I wish there were more creative activity to report since plenty is happening—it’s just not about making work(s) at this point but moving them (and the family) around.

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